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    GC-heat Gebhard GmbH & Co. KG

    Industriestr. 34


    +49 2291 796-0

    The external sheath, made of metal mesh hose, adapts to every bed and presses evenly into the surface of the groove, without air pockets. This guarantees an optimum heat transfer at a high mechanical load. Technical possibilities and variations: ))) ‘GC-flex’ with a round cross-section Ø 6.5 mm, Ø 8.0, 8.2, 8.5 mm or 10.0 mm ))) ‘GC-flex square’ with a quadratic cross-section 6.0 x 6.0 mm or 8.0 x 8.0 mm; high efficiency through 75% machine surface in the groove ))) available in different lengths and capacities ex-works ))) manually bending using the ‘GC-flex tool’ into an existing groove with a 2D or 3D contour ))) optimum heat transfer through the metal meshing tube as an external sheath ))) length max. 2,600 mm ))) bending radius min. 12.0 mm,14.0 mm or 16.0 mm centred ))) connection voltage 230 V ))) different connection types Application areas: ))) hot runner distribution beam ))) welding beam

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